Saturday, June 1, 2013

It is Indeed a God Thing....

Well Hello Blog,I am embarrassed to say that my last post was March 19,2012 ! Over a year ago! I created this blog in the Fall of 2010 when I received a 'sign' from God, a prompting, a revelation.... What was revealed to me was that I actually had something to contribute to others! That's something that we all yearn to have... A Gift which we have been given to impact lives. In the absence of finding that gift we all to often get caught up in the ways of the world and miss our true destiny, the reason we were created, to serve others and impact lives for Kingdom purposes. I cannot begin to share how discovering that gift literally changes ones life, but it opens up doors which I never thought would ever have existed for me. My journey began by being a spokesperson for the impoverished disabled people around the world without mobility. That's how I describe it in words, but to get the real impact of what that means you have to 'go to the ends of the earth' and see that need, and no better place to do that than from ones computer by visiting the website. That is where my journey began, but in God's magnificent plan it hasn't stopped there, serving has become a way of life. People are hungering for a purpose, they are thirsting for what only God can give them, and by His divine plan He chooses and commissions us, His Children to be His disciples, and draw people to Him, and we do that by being His Image...Obeying the two greatest Love God and Love others, including the seemingly unloveable. It is not easy and it is not without risk, God asks us to sacrifice, and to walk humbly and dismiss pride from our lives. He calls us to radically Love one another,doing that sometimes costs us things and relationships, but God's Will always prevails and in the end people see past you and they gaze into the heart of Jesus. God makes it happen, I have witnessed it over and over again. When it looks like the world struggles to adapt to His Love, we must take heart and let God do His work in others lives,He makes it happen, we do nothing but become a vehicle of His use, and that will be the greatest thing anyone can do with their lives. You wake up one day and your life is full, your resources are limitless, the blessings in your life abound, and it all happens when we do small things with GREAT Love. I pray that we all do that in BOLDNESS and CONFIDENCE. I am so blessed to resume writing, and I would not have done that were it not for a "sign" that I received..a sign delivered from a dear friend, a word of encouragement to 'blog again' Never discount the power of your words, He gives you the ability to 'speak life' into people. Thank God He has done that to so many people whom I have encountered.We must never stop placing others before ourselves and taking the time to "toss" them a little of God's Love. You can change someones life with a word, a hug, a song,a phone call, a note, a simple gift or a random act of kindness, it will shock some people, we are so not used to receiving it..but do it anyway, in time you will be blessed! Praise God! The ability to do that was given to each of us, it ALL belongs to HIM and He readily gives us more of whatever it is our heart desires, when we empty ourselves of this world and seek His will with all of our Heart,Soul and Mind.. Do it now and do it often and you will find that it flows from God trough you night and day in humanly unimaginable proportions. DO ALL THE GOOD YOU CAN,BY ALL THE MEANS YOU CAN, IN ALL THE WAYS YOU CAN,IN ALL THE PLACES YOU CAN,AT ALL THE TIMES YOU CAN,TO ALL THE PEOPLE YOU CAN,AS LONG AS YOU EVER CAN..........Keeping in mind that today your very life could be demanded of you... Don't waste a second. The world is in need of what YOU and I have to give, and we can only give it when we do as He commands..GO into the world, and Follow Him. Bless His Holy Name, Abba..Our one true Father.

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