Sunday, June 16, 2013

A Hurting World Needs "YOUR" Witness....A Witness of HIS LOVE.....

As I thought about writing this post today... I became OVERWHELMED at that very thought..As I begin to transfer the 'imprints' God stamped on my heart these past three days into words on a page, I know that in my humanness will be unable to paint a vivid enough picture of what God has done, but for sure the perfectly arranged encounters He placed me in with His people and the witness of His Love empowered by the POWERFUL,POWERFUL presence of The Holy Spirit at the East Ohio United Methodist Annual Conference YAC (youth area conference) at Lakeside on the shores of Lake Erie unmistakeably define a God of Miracles,Signs and Wonders. For me to even be there was a mighty work of His Hand, I had spoken at two small United Methodist Churchs In Ohio a year or so ago, sharing about God's Love being taken directly to a hurting world in the form of the Free Wheelchair Mission. One day a few weeks ago the pastor of those churchs approached me sharing that she had a youth group of nine young adults who had never been to YAC and there was noone willing to take them, well....God knew that there on Friday we all piled into my church van and headed to the lake. It's funny because the Pastor told me these words, she said "I am sure that God will provide you an opportuniy to witness" -- Was that EVER an understatement... and as my opening sentence said, There is simply no way to put it into words...It is stamped so deeply into my heart that releasing it can only be done by continuing to follow Him and His promptings and invitation to join Him in redeeming a lost hurting world... This HE Commissions each of us.. We are to Witness in the context of community, His Community, we are to Love others as HE Loves us, and HE WILL MAKE IT HAPPEN IN POWERFUL, LIFE TRANSFORMING WAYS. Being able to bring young people to Jesus this weekend literally broke my heart as I was able to stand before the multitudes and proclaim His Love and Grace, and minister in small groups and individual encounters. I invite you to contact me and hear the stories first hand, for they are stories of God using the most unlikely people as His MIGHTY Insturments to draw people to Him in profound ways. THIS MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS IS WHAT THE WORLD INDEED NEEDS..............YOUR WITNESS IN WORD AND ACTION OF HIS MIGHTY, MIGHTY,LOVE.

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