Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Funeral for a Friend

I have had the privilege of celebrating the lives of two friends who have entered into eternal rest recently, one of the funerals was today. A friend who I have only known for 3 years passed away the day after her 50th birthday. She, like so many recent 'gifts' God has given me has touched my life in profound ways. She was a "Giver," that is how I would describe her to others, nothing greater defined her....She simply gave.. And she started in a place of simplicity, with the gift of herself, she was one of those very rare people who upon meeting you,  had a genuine concern for your soul, she loved the God in You, she saw past this earthly shell of a temple...straight into who we really are; 'Jesus in Disguise.'  For some reason, God has presented those people to me in amazing ways, each of them giving me what I so desperately desire to be, The Image of Christ. I will never forget the times we were together and we would walk, or run, or just talk, and the gift we gave one another was simply "The Encounter." If you have not experienced "The Encounter" it is your own fault... What we want in our lives, who we yearn to be.. is ONLY attainable by giving God's Love (In whatever form that may be) to others; THAT'S IT, THATS'S THE SECRET FORMULA!! This friend did that, and she lives on in profound ways in hundreds, if not thousands of people whose lives she touched. I had the privilege of being with her and her family the day before she passed away, I held her hand and prayed into her ear and felt the presence of God, it was time for her to go, God was returning her to the place of her origin, a place I yearn to go.
     The church was literally packed with people, standing room only, a testament to God's Might, people streamed into the church to experience God, I am convinced of that. This was the second recent funeral of two people who went to be with God at a reasonably young age. The first was a 44 year old friend, as I walked into the funeral home for his viewing and service, I was struck by what my eyes first saw, the sidewalk and front entrance area was filled with people, who could not fit into the funeral chapel, as I entered the door and made my way past a very crowded room, I was struck by the large amount of friends and family. After the viewing, and the words from the Pastor, an announcement was made that the family would be blessed if anyone would like to share some words, no one stepped forward, except I... I had not prepared for this, but My Father had, and speaking to 200 plus people wearing only running shorts, a tee shirt and the FULL armour of God, I was blessed to witness God's Presence in profound ways, after I spoke and returned home God Gently reminded me in His continual, profound ways that it is ALL about Him and He chooses to use us as HIS mouth piece, and the old is passed away, and His newness of spirit absorbs our lives. Indeed He has work for each of us to do on this short "World Tour." My prayer is that when it is time for our funerals, that He may be glorified in the ways He has been at the two recent "Funerals for a Friend"

Psalm 34:1

 I will bless the Lord at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth.

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