Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Connecting with God's People is Connecting with HIM

Time for a 'Post' ! I am glad to say that I am improving, it has only been 3 days since my last, rather than 13 months! The last 3 days have been like most days....Filled to the gills with His Wonders and His Ways. Sunday I was blessed to return to a church in Ohio that I had previously spoke at, I was contacted by the Pastor 2 weeks ago and told this very typical story, a story of need, and one of opportunity! It seems that the youth group from this church had been invited to the Ohio United Methodist Annual Conference for 3 days beginning June 14 to attend conferences and a youth rally. The problem was that they had no adult leadership willing to drive and chaperon the group. The Pastor told me on the phone that if these kids did not get to go to the conference and be with youth from Ohio that she feared she would loose them from the grip of God, she shared a couple of compelling individual stories of these kids with me and my heart broke... broke to the point of action.. I have learned or rather more appropriately, The Father has revealed to me that He will send you promptings, and when we are walking with Him, in His assurances and empowered by our counsel, The active living Holy Spirit, we are to respond to these promptings, they are INDEED small doorways which lead to large kingdom gates of unending blessings, I have walked through many and although these small doorways are a tight fit and uncomfortable to squeeze through, once through... there is no going back..you ascend a new glorious mountain each time. Knowing this, my response to 'promptings' which manifest themselves as needs..needs of His People, is usually a resounding YES..Here I am Father, use me. Thus was my response to this heart heavy Pastor. So, she invited me to worship with them Sunday and meet with the youth, which I did and as I humbly listened to the entire church raise up what I was doing to make sure these kids literally went to The Cross by connecting them to the greater body at annual conference, I confidently knew that I was witnessing God being raised up and offered these kids lives. I have no idea what HE has in store for us at annual conference, but I do KNOW that all we need do is show up and be willing members of His Body and He will reveal Himself in mighty ways. I was told that the UM Bishop in Ohio was in disbelief that someone for another conference was stepping forward to lead the group, I was also told that I would have an opportunity to give a witness while at conference...THIS I already knew :) It will happen every time we simply report to His Service with hands held high and heart wide open, that's how My God Works! I was blessed to pray over and for this church and the youth before heading back home, the whole way home my heart smiled,knowing that I was right where He wants us all, clay in His hands, an insturment of His WIll, called, commissioned and firmly planted as His Image to bring Glory to Him and Connect His Children, one to another and us His lost sheep to the shephard... This HE desires for each of YOU! YOU CANNOT LOVE GOD AND NOT LOVE AND SERVE THE PEOPLE HE PUTS IN YOUR LIFE.... HEAD OUT THROUGH THAT SMALL DOOR YOU HAVE ALWAYS FEARED AND GET READY TO BE TRANSFORMED FOR ALL OF ETERNITY... GET UNCOMFORTABLE, JESUS TOLD US HE WOULD SEND US THE COMFORTER,TO BRING US COMFORT...WE HAVE BECOME TO COMFORTABLE AND THUS WE MISS THE ARRIVAL OF THAT BLESSED COMFORTER, THE HOLY SPIRIT, WHO EQUIPS US TO DO GREATER THINGS THAN HE. Matthew 22:36-40 “Teacher, which is the great commandment in the Law?” And he said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the great and first commandment. And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. On these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets"

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