Friends, Today, Saturday August 20th,2011 Wheeling Park High School x-country joined forces with CCHS x-country to show Wheeling and the World what they are made of- Determination, dedication and drive, to show up for the run, engage themselves in the run and finish the run. Today, they also added Compassion for mankind, especially for those not blessed with mobility around the world; the disabled poor, not able to put on running shoes and enjoy the freedom and beauty of running. These youth are 'above the bar' when setting the example of how each of us has the ability to positively impact the world. I feel a lot better about the future of us all when I witness these selfless acts of sharing what we all to often take for granted, mobility. Kudos Friends. May the road rise up to meet you !
Cycling,running,walking & talking for Mobility, John
P.S. Special thanks to Anastasia,Emma,Casey,Amanda,Lexi & Robby as well as Michael Jebbia for bringing WPHS to the road for mobility, consider bringing the whole team soon! And what a witness for change in the world are Mike & Amy Howard / Dawn Ann Dean and the entire CCHS team as they commit to taking those we serve at FWM to every meet, and sharing their gifts with them,they exemplify a "complete" team effort,don't they? This invitation goes to all reading this email, to look over the remaining dates of "Mobility on National Road" bring your group, and join in at 8:30 am for an hour of mobility which so dramatically changes someones life around the world. Pass the word,keep it moving,stay mobile.... view mobility @
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Location:Wheeling WV