A great Ohio Valley Runners and Walkers Club Meeting, sharing upcoming Free Wheelchair Mission Run Walk & Roll and Indianapolis Marathon Mobility Events. We are also blessed with John and Kate Suscovich who rode in from NYC yesterday on their around the world bicycle adventure for farm aid . Visit them at FoodCyclist.com Thanks to them for sharing their awesome story at the OVRWC meeting at Edgewood Luthern Church and for attaching Free Wheelchair Mission to their website and travels. I am sure they will see our wheelchairs and our recipients and the need as they get mobile and cycle all corners of the world. The Blessings continue to come in and go out as they are meant to be !
Transforming Lives with the Gift of Mobility through the humanitarian,faith based efforts of the Free Wheelchair Mission. God has commissioned and empowered all his children to be disciples and spread his Love & Compassion to all corners of the world.The greatest gift we can give is of ourselves and the rewards are out of this world. Wont you join in and help lift people off the ground & bring God's Love and light to impoverished,disabled, forgotten people living in darkness?